Canboulay triumphs on Carnival Friday

The Eintou Springer street production Canboulay came off on Carnival Friday morning without a hitch and impressed all present visitors residents and dignitaries alike The success of the show is even more significant for us as this was the first year that Idakeda was actively involved in its management

The Eintou Springer street production 'Canboulay' came off on Carnival Friday morning without a hitch and impressed all present – visitors, residents and dignitaries alike. The success of the show is even more significant for us, as this was the first year that Idakeda was actively involved in its management.

A light rain around 5am just after the production began, gave the actors and onlookers a few nervous moments; but the rain proved to be blessings from the ancestors as the shower soon passed and the show continued uninterrupted for the hour long run.

As always, we at Idakeda wish to thank everyone who worked with us to make this possible:

  • The principal actors who trained consistently for their roles
  • The executive of the Regional Carnival Committee who did everything in their power to provide logistical and other support
  • Officials of the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs who worked with Idakeda on the overall production
  • Senior members and students of the UWI Centre for Creative and Festival Arts who participated with great spirit and enthusiasm
  • Dance and drumming groups from various communities who gave such electric energy on the morning
  • The police and other service providers who made sure that the venue was ready and secured on the morning 
  • Our Costume Mistress and Stage Manager
  • Our costume maker who came through for us again at very short notice, and last but certainly not least
  • Our sound engineer Victor Donowa, for taking the quality of the sound and therefore the show to another level, even though he admits that he could not see the street for most of the time due to the massive crowd!

We continue to be thankful, purposed and resolute. Stay with us on our journey …


